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Horses are social creatures and are herd animals. Both domestic and wild equines like to be in the company of other animals. This is because they prefer being in groups for safety and participating in social behaviors like mutual grooming.

The Quarter Horse is known for its calm, docile, intelligent and highly trainable nature, making them a great choice for riders of all levels including beginners; and as a family horse. They are hard working and eager to please, which has contributed to their success as a work horse throughout the years.

Newborn calves can stand up the first day, and swim within a couple of weeks. They are weaned at about six months, but remain with their mother for one year until she drives them off shortly before her next calf is born. Each spring and summer, bull moose grow antlers that fall off during winter.

Foxes often represent cunning, playfulness and resilience. They walk the fine line between the wilds and urban living, making the best of both environments. They are adaptable, clever and full of mischief.

For centuries, people have seen eagles as a symbol of beauty, bravery, courage, honour, pride, determination, and grace. This bird is important and symbolic to humanity because of its characteristics.

The mane of the male lion is a distinctive characteristic of lions as no other big cats have them. It makes male lions appear larger, thus allowing them to be more intimidating. It also signals sexual maturity and health status; lionesses tend to favour denser and darker manes.

This playful lynx cub cannot survive without its mother for the first year of its life. Reaching full maturity at two years. Lynxes raise offspring in a natural hidden lair like a tree cave. Instead of pursuing their prey, lynxes track and ambush them.

While bears do not live in extended family groups or join in hunts, they can co-exist in very close proximity to each other and in fact form alliances and friendships – some adult bears have even been known to mentor younger unrelated bears; young unrelated subadults hang around in pairs and even groups (likely because there is strength in numbers).
The bears of a region are usually familiar with one another and meetings consist of complex social exchanges. Some bears like each other and other simply don’t tolerate one another in their respective home ranges – not unlike people’s relationships with each other.
The bears of a region are usually familiar with one another and meetings consist of complex social exchanges. Some bears like each other and other simply don’t tolerate one another in their respective home ranges – not unlike people’s relationships with each other.

Elephants have a gestation period of 21 to 22 months, which usually occurs during the wet season. These creatures are pregnant for such a long time because they give birth to such large babies. Elephant calves weigh around 260 pounds at birth and are 3 inches in size, making them much larger than other animal babies.
Elephant social bonds are some of the strongest in the animal kingdom. They form strong family units and stay together for the rest of their lives. These magnificent animals have been observed mourning their dead, demonstrating a strong emotional bond between them.
This behavioral characteristic allows them to guide and protect one another, as well as their young. These elephants are usually relatives who grew up together, and they form lifelong friendships within those groups. The use of trunks to greet each other.
Elephant social bonds are some of the strongest in the animal kingdom. They form strong family units and stay together for the rest of their lives. These magnificent animals have been observed mourning their dead, demonstrating a strong emotional bond between them.
This behavioral characteristic allows them to guide and protect one another, as well as their young. These elephants are usually relatives who grew up together, and they form lifelong friendships within those groups. The use of trunks to greet each other.

Tiger cubs begin eating meat at anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks old, depending on the species. They will not be competent hunters until they reach around a year and a half old and will rely on their mothers kills.
Like humans with brown eyes, tiger cubs are born with milky blue eyes. As they develop their eyes will slowly change to their signature gold color.
Like humans with brown eyes, tiger cubs are born with milky blue eyes. As they develop their eyes will slowly change to their signature gold color.

Did you know that Elk bugle? During the rut they make a low pitched growl that rises to a high-pitched scream.
The average male stands nearly 5 ft. tall at the shoulder, and weighs over 700 lbs., but they can grow much larger. The largest subspecies can surpass 1,300 lbs. or more.
Males have large antlers that can be nearly 4 ft. in length. These antlers differ from horns because they are made of bone, and are shed yearly. Horns have a sheath of keratin, a blood vessel filled core, and are never shed.
The average male stands nearly 5 ft. tall at the shoulder, and weighs over 700 lbs., but they can grow much larger. The largest subspecies can surpass 1,300 lbs. or more.
Males have large antlers that can be nearly 4 ft. in length. These antlers differ from horns because they are made of bone, and are shed yearly. Horns have a sheath of keratin, a blood vessel filled core, and are never shed.

Tigers are a symbol of power, always preferring a direct fight with a clear outcome. An adult tiger can grow as long as 13 feet (4m) and weigh up to 650 pounds (296kgs).
The females are usually smaller than the males. The size of a tiger depends on the subspecies and the geographical location of its habitat.
The females are usually smaller than the males. The size of a tiger depends on the subspecies and the geographical location of its habitat.

Leopards are astoundingly strong. They are pound for pound the strongest of the big cats. They are able to climb trees, even when carrying heavy prey, and often choose to rest on tree branches during the day. One reason why leopards sometimes take their prey up in the trees is to ensure lions or hyenas can’t steal them.
Leopards are renowned for their agility. They run up to 58km/h and can leap 6m horizontally and 3m vertically. They are also very strong swimmers.
Leopards are renowned for their agility. They run up to 58km/h and can leap 6m horizontally and 3m vertically. They are also very strong swimmers.

One of Canada's most iconic mammals, the moose is known for its incredible size and captivating appearance. They are generally solitary animals but also territorial and will charge if threatened.
During the day, moose will laze about in the shade and nap for short bouts.
During the day, moose will laze about in the shade and nap for short bouts.

Wolves are complex, highly intelligent animals who are caring, playful and devoted to family. Wolves are gregarious animals who mostly live in packs. A pack is made when a male and a female wolf meet each other and stay together. As a mated pair, they find a territory to settle in and raise cubs most years.

Zebras are beautiful, hardy creatures that are built for survival in harsh environments. These captivating creatures can take on a lion, but are being threatened by human activity. Zebra are brave animals that care deeply about their group members. When a group member is wounded by a predator attack, other zebras will come to their defense, circling the injured individual and attempting to drive the predator(s) away.
Mother zebra are very caring and protective mothers. Infant zebras (foals) are able to stand, walk and suckle shortly after birth, and will continue to drink their mother’s milk for the first year of life.
Mother zebra are very caring and protective mothers. Infant zebras (foals) are able to stand, walk and suckle shortly after birth, and will continue to drink their mother’s milk for the first year of life.
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